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Dad's controversial method to keep daughter safe on the first day of school divides opinions

Dad's controversial method to keep daughter safe on the first day of school divides opinions

Other parents aren't sure if this dad is going too far...
4 March 2022 3:55PM

Sending your child off to school for their first day could either be an exciting, anxious or even sad moment for parents. It could even be all three!

However, one dad seems to have found a way to ease his nerves when it comes to his daughter's first day at school sharing the tip with other mums and dads on TikTok - but parents are divided over whether he has gone too far.

To calm his anxiety about her safety the dad installed a tracking device into his daughter's shoes to monitor her exact whereabouts during the school day from the convenience of his phone.

Parents online took to the post to commend the dad on the clever idea. "This is brilliant," one person commented.

A mum even revealed it's also something she's done for her two kids, "I have an AirTag on both my kids. Especially now one of them is walking back from school without me."

Though some were a little concerned the dad was being a little too protective over his daughter, "I wouldn't worry about that."

"Black mirror," another commented, referring to the TV show about the downsides of technology.

Where would you stand on this?

Check out Lana's heartfelt message to her stepson Jay on his first day below.