From pistachio icecream, to sprinkling pistachio's on top of a cake or even adding some extra crunch as a chicken topping, the pistachio's possibilities are endless.
However, apparently, we have been sheeling them wrong.
TikToker @motorcityeats, has revealed the best way to remove a pistachio seeds from their shells and we can't believe we never tried this method before.
The clip has been viewed 2.7 million times and has received more than 90,300 likes.
“I always thought you had to rip your fingernails off in the process,” one TikTok user joked in the comments.
While someone else quipped: “Thought the right way was licking all the salt off first lol #proper”.
Another surprised woman asked: “So no one shoves them in their mouth and uses their teeth LMFAOO”.