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Bride Forced To Stop Wedding Mid Ceremony

The guests had quite the scare when she stopped right before the vows
13 May 2022 8:05PM

It’s every bride’s nightmare, an interruption mid-ceremony. But this bride ended up doing it to herself when she noticed something was off. 

Becky Jeffries, known as @jetsetbecks on TikTok, had her guests and groom holding their breath when she was forced to press pause in the middle of her wedding…but she did have a good reason. 
Check out the video below…

Guests, and her soon-to-be husband, were very relieved to learn why Becky paused the ceremony and, more importantly, that she wasn't calling off the wedding.

Panicked viewers took to the comments: "Do you think the groom's heart stopped for a second?!", and "You can see the groom visibly sighing of relief."

Some viewers were a little confused about how Becky's wardrobe malfunction wasn’t caught by her bridal party, to which she replied: "I didn't have bridesmaids!"
"When my girls and I arrived at the wedding, our planner hurried them to go sit down and it all happened in a flash."

Fortunately, the rest of their wedding went ahead without a hitch.