Friday 24th June marks first time that we as a nation celebrate and observe Matariki as a public holiday.
The rise of the Matariki star cluster marks Māori New Year.
The best time to view the Matariki cluster is early in the morning, just before the dawn, between 5.30am - 6.30am.
Matariki is found low on the horizon in the northeast of the sky.
Here's a list of the best vantage points around the country:
If none of these locations are suitable for you, you can always try your local park - just avoid areas of high light pollution where possible.
Here's a technique to find Matariki in the skies:
- If you look towards the EAST in the early morning sky, you'll see three stars parallel to one another sitting horizontally. The star between those two stars is called Tautoru.
- Now look above Tautoru, there will be a bright star called Puanga. (Puanga is used to observe and acknowledge the new year, but may vary from iwi to iwi).
- Next, look towards the right where you'll see the brightest star named Hinetakurua.
- If you take a left from Tautoru you'll notice a pyramid shape in the sky which is Te Kokotā.
- And then if you take a left from Te Kokotā you'll see Matariki.
Mānawatia a Matariki!