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Christchurch Stadium gets green light despite skyrocketing price

The new stadium comes with a $683 million price tag
15 July 2022 9:55AM

Christchurch will get its controversial stadium as the mayor and 16 councillors vote to push ahead with plans.

They've spent the day hearing the reasons for and against the expensive project. 

Peter Morrison sings 'Imagine' at Christchurch City Council stadium decision meeting

The gentleman from New Zealand hospitality decided to put his thoughts to music. He did so using John Lennon's Imagine."

Peter Morrison sings 'Imagine' at Christchurch City Council stadium decision meeting
The gentleman from New Zealand hospitality decided to put his thoughts to music. He did so using John Lennon's Imagine."
00:00 / 02:27

Submissions showed most residents were in favour, despite skyrocketing prices pushing the cost up to NZ$683 million. 

Watching the decision be made was Today FM's Mark McCarron, who joined Lloyd Burr Live to explain how the council finally gave the green light. 

"Had a long day of savouries and cups of tea, but we finally got there… 9:00 this morning they clocked in and they gave us the result at about 4:00 this afternoon," McCarron told Burr.

"13 to 3 the councillors voting in favour to kick start the project, which has got a fixed price now of NZ$683 million."

The project received many submissions that were heard by the councillors, Burr asked McCarron what they were like.

"The submissions were unique. 

"The gentleman from New Zealand hospitality decided to put his thoughts to music. He did so using John Lennon's Imagine. 

"He told us that he, in no uncertain terms, wanted it to go on.

"Submissions came in along the lines of unsustainability and climate change."

The Breakfast Club has a heated debate over the new stadium

Central Business Association Chair, Annabel Turley, told Lloyd Burr Live the stadium is what the city desperately needs.

"It is so important for the social and mental wellbeing of our residents, not just the people of Christchurch, but all of Canterbury," Turley told Burr.

"It is the missing piece of the puzzle."

"You couldn't get a better location right there in town. You don't even have to get in the car to go there."

The stadium is expected to be completed by April 2026.


This article was sourced from Today FM.
Listen to the full interview between Mark McCarron, Annabel Turley and Lloyd Burr below.

Christchurch Stadium gets green light despite skyrocketing price