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My Kitchen Rule's Manu Feildel shares how he achieved his 12kg weight loss

My Kitchen Rule's Manu Feildel shares how he achieved his 12kg weight loss

He's been working hard over the past few months!
31 July 2019 6:04AM

Celebrity chef and TV personality Manu Feildel has revealed how he achieved his drastic weight loss to Australian magazine New Idea.

The chef managed to drop 12kgs in just four months, and has been able to mantain that current weight thanks to a few easy lifestyle changes he made.

“Last year I was getting really overweight, then one day I turned to my wife [Clarissa Weerasena] and said, ‘I have to lose this,’” he told New Idea.

Together, Manu and his wife embarked on an intensive gym routine, working out around five days a week. He also shared that he cut carbs, sugar and alcohol from his diet.

“I’m very proud I’ve finally got to where I wanted to go,” he told the Australian magazine.

“After four months, I was 12 kilos down and I am still the same weight today, so I am really happy."

“You don’t think it’s a lot of weight, but then you put your clothes on and you go, ‘Oh, I’ve lost two sizes of clothes,’ and that’s pretty cool.”

“I have more energy and I am so much happier,” he continues.

“It’s good especially for my son, Jonti, 14, because he plays a lot of sport and I’ve got to be part of it, so it’s nice to be able to run on the field without feeling like a hippopotamus.”