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Former Master Chef AU judge Matt Preston opens up about his huge weight-loss

Former Master Chef AU judge Matt Preston opens up about his huge weight-loss

His hard work is paying off!
13 December 2019 7:20AM

Former Master Chef AU judge Matt Preston has recently opened up about his weight-loss journey. The foodie has been working hard and the results prove it!

"I have dropped a bit of weight and put on a bit of muscle," he revealed to Sydney Confidential.

The celebrity chef put his weightloss down to a ‘general lifestyle change' which included a big change in his diet.

"I’ve been eating less, mainly plants but not restricting myself from anything. It is about having time, that moment when there are no more excuses," he said.

He added that he'll still indulge in the odd pizza or burger, but it will all be done in moderation.

Matt has also been seeing a personal trainer 4 times a week to help with his weight-loss journey. It's not clear exactly how much weight Matt has lost and even Matt himself doesn't know! He hasn't stepped foot on the scales and currently has no plans to.

His hardwork is definitely paying off!