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Dad warns people to 'never trust Jamie Oliver' after having kitchen disaster

Dad warns people to 'never trust Jamie Oliver' after having kitchen disaster

That brownie is rock hard!
16 June 2020 6:38AM

It seems like every winter a myriad of new and inventive ways to use your slow cooker pop up.

Aside from the classic stews and soups, social media users often share recipes for cooking up roast chickens, desserts, or even a classic English fry-up.

But one UK dad has shown that things don't always go to plan, posting images of the bizarre result of an attempt to whip up a brownie in the slow cooker. 

Posting in popular Facebook group 'Crockpot/Slow Cooker Recipes and Tips', Andy Hicks asked fellow group members: "what possibly happened?"

"I followed the instructions to a T - [but] when the timing was up it was still runny."

Hicks said he "gave it another hour" but the brownie was still undercooked. 

"I asked myself 'what is going on'?" he wrote. "[I] turned off the cooker as instructed by some helpful members, but the cooling process has turned [the brownie] into a decent garden brick/coat hanger/ornament."

He finished his post by joking "do not trust Jamie Oliver", meaning he probably tried a recipe by the Naked Chef.

Useful, but not exactly delicious. Photo credit: Facebook/Andy Hicks.

Hicks also shared a hilarious video of him banging the brownie rock on his home's heater, and using it as a mount to hang keys. 

Many commenters jumped in to offer advice to the confused dad, but others just wanted to express how much the post had made their day. 

"Sorry to laugh but this is probably something I would do, thanks for making me laugh on a day which was so far dull," wrote one woman. 

"Use it as a frisbee!" suggested another. 

Some suggested Hicks' slow cooker was simply too hot for the recipe and that by leaving it for an hour, it would have long overcooked. 

Maybe some recipes are best kept to the traditional oven.