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Harry Styles stops mid-concert to let a pregnant fan use the bathroom, then names her baby

Harry Styles stops mid-concert to let a pregnant fan use the bathroom, then names her baby

What a kind human!

Harry Styles continues to steal our hearts and this time he's done it by going above and beyond to make a pregnant fan's experience unforgettable.

The magical moment occurred when a super fan named Sian caught Harry’s attention from the crowd. She had a unique request on a sign - she wanted the singer to help her name her baby. 

Harry playfully responded: "That's a lot of pressure, Sian. You don't really want me to name it, do you?"

Of course, he then turned the situation into a fun and exciting game. He eagerly encouraged Sian to reveal the four names she had picked out, but just as the suspense was building, she suddenly had the urge to go for a wee. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!

Being the sweetheart that he is, Harry acknowledged the importance of the situation and asked the audience to join him in supporting Sian's bladder needs. 

As the crowd erupted in cheers, he made a bold promise to stall the show until she returned.

Styles took the impromptu break as an opportunity to chat with other concertgoers and read their signs.

As soon as Sian strolled back into the arena, Harry couldn't contain his excitement. He led the crowd in a chant of "Here she comes, here she comes!"

With Sian back in the crowd, the show was back on, but not before Harry had chosen a name for Sian’s bubba. 

He involved the audience in the baby-naming process, asking for their input on Sian's name options. In case you were wondering, the name Stevie was the top pick from the crowd’s loud reaction.

Harry’s kindness, humour, and willingness to go the extra mile for his fans make him all the more loveable. It’s a great reminder that a little bit of compassion can go a long wee, ahem, way!