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Hellers and Bluebird have combined sausages with two classic NZ chip flavours
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Kiwi As

Hellers and Bluebird have combined sausages with two classic NZ chip flavours

Get these sizzling at your next family BBQ.

A classic Kiwi family BBQ always contains a few saussies sizzling away while popping open a bag of chips.

So, what happens when the two are combined nto one bite? And no we’re not talking about making some sort of snag meets chip sandwich (that sounds amazing, though).

Hellers and Bluebird have joined to create a collab of the classic Kiwi sausage with Rashuns and Burger Rings.

One of our own from More FM HQ caught a sneak peek at these new sausages during a visit to Sylvia Park mall in Auckland over the weekend. 

He said he had to do a double take, just to make sure he was hallucinating from the hunger, but nope, these sizzlers are the real deal.

Brydon Heller, Marketing Manager for Hellers told the NZ Herald that the idea for the pairing sparked from other Kiwi foodie mash-ups.

This isn't the only Kiwi-inspired food combo we've gotten this year.

Just last month, Auckland’s Fugitoto Ice Cream offered a New Zealand King Salmon flavour, with a dollop of wasabi on top.

Jenny of @ga.eats on Instagram tried the fishy flavour and actually found it quite “pleasant”. She described it as “a creamy salmon dip but frozen, flaky and slightly sweet”. 

And when it comes to meat -especially meat pies - we Kiwis aren't shy about a mash-up.

Let’s not forget the Kiwi biz that released a mince and cheese pie-flavoured cotton candy

Pik'nMix Lollies and Candy Cutique mixed the two different Kiwi treats to create the most unlikely sweet/ savoury pairing I’ve ever seen.

I gave it a try, and honestly, it was a better match than I first expected.

So, let’s cross our fingers and toes that these saussies are another meaty match-up that will blow our minds.