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Every date you need to know to get the best online shopping deals and sales before Christmas
Jay-Jay & Flynny
Jay-Jay & Flynny

Every date you need to know to get the best online shopping deals and sales before Christmas

Shopping queen Jay-Jay Feeney has all the dates you need to mark in your shopping calendar

Jay-Jay here. Hands up who loves online shopping?

November is the month for MASSIVE international online sales!

I've put together some reminders for you to diary. Go to your favourite online stores during these times and you should get the best deals (if they are participating).

Click Frenzy

Click Frenzy starts November 8th at 7pm – it opened to Kiwi shoppers for the first time last year and is a three-day online-only event. Sign up at www.clickfrenzy.co.nz

Click Frenzy works with participating retailers to bring you all the best deals and exclusive offers from NZ retailers

Singles' Day

Singles' Day follows on Friday November 11 – its popularity overseas is immense and is gaining momentum in New Zealand.

Singles' Day is a Chinese shopping day that originated as an unofficial holiday for bachelors. It’s also known as the ‘anti-Valentine’s Day’. The date was chosen because it includes all ones (11/11) as a nod to the ‘single’ element.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Black Friday falls on November 25 this year, with Cyber Monday on the 28th.

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the US and marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. It began as an in-store sale only but is now huge online.

Cyber Monday is the Monday after Thanksgiving and was for online sales, because Black Friday was instore, but now they have really merged into a massive weekend of online sales

And if you want to be sure you are getting the best price on the internet, cross-check your potential purchases on www.pricespy.co.nz


And….. although it’s tempting…. you don’t need to go into debt for a sale, so keep that in mind. And maybe write a list of the things you want and search for those instead of just browsing endlessly and adding things you don’t need and can’t afford to the cart.