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Which vendors should get fed at your wedding?
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club

Which vendors should get fed at your wedding?

“At the end of the day, you're paying for it”
12 September 2022 1:46PM

Weddings are an expensive time, venue, flowers, dresses, and typically one of the major costs… food! 

Which vendors should get fed at your wedding?
The Breakfast Club sort out which vendors should be bringing their packed lunch to a wedding
00:00 / 02:08

Ho many people should be allowed to pick off the menu ? You don’t want to ‘rip anyone off’ but we all know that price tag builds up quick. 

We tried to clear the air a little and find out just which vendors need to be on the meal list. 

Mike, a chef who caters for weddings said it was a bit of a ‘grey area for a lot of couples. 

If the caterer is has to feed the band, the florist, photographer, and every other vendor involved in the wending, that could total up to another 20+ people. That could’ve been 20 extra friends and/or family catered for who didn't quite make the guest list. 

At Bex’s wedding, she only covered meals for the photographers, and only because they were family friends. 

Back in March, Jeff from Kurow had his wedding, where he was quite similar to Bex and only fed the photographer. 

His rule was basically anyone who wasn't there during the dinner part of the evening was not supplied food. 

It may be a courtesy, but every wedding is different. 

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