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The Breakfast Club try the Mallow Monster Experiment
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club try the Mallow Monster Experiment

Adam wanted to give the viral TikTok trend a go, but did it turn out disastrous?
13 November 2023 4:27PM

Adam found a little experiment on TikTok and decided he HAD to bring it into the studio. 

Armed with a microwave, a bag of marshmallows, and a mischievous little glint in his eye, Adam tried to show off some marshmallow magic… 

The Mellow Monster Experiment TikTok shows a harmless marshmallow being placed into the microwave for less than 20 seconds, resulting in a monstrous transformation. 

Lana couldn't help but express a hint of caution though as they prepared to hit the microwave's start button.

The Breakfast Club try the Mellow Monster Experiment
Adam wanted to give the viral TikTok trend a go, but did it turn out disastrous?
00:00 / 01:53

The first attempt did leave the team scratching their heads a little, as the marshmallow seemed to have transformed into a 'flat pavlova' rather than the anticipated Mellow Monster.

Undeterred, they decided to give it another go and push the boundaries, and things escalated quickly…

The marshmallow began to swell and expand, growing into a true Mellow Monster. But Speedy threw caution to the wind and pushed the poor little mallow a little too far. 

Before long, the studio was starting to become engulfed in smoke as the marshmallow began to vaporise. Speedy, realising the mistake, quickly slammed the microwave door shut, trying to prevent the studio sprinklers from raining on their parade.

So maybe if you're planning to unleash marshmallow madness in your own microwave, exercise a tad more restraint than we did!