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Dad's heartwarming photo of a steamed up shower perfectly sums up motherhood

Dad's heartwarming photo of a steamed up shower perfectly sums up motherhood

What a loving father!
13 November 2019 8:38AM

A dad's post about how much he appreciates his wife has gone viral online.

The man took to Facebook to share his reaction to seeing a cute moment between his wife and their daughter - and expressed how much it meant to him.

"This morning I came home from the gym and turned the shower on to get cleaned up for work." his post began. "I turned to the door and saw where my wife wiped away the steam from the glass, so she could see our baby girl in the bassinet."

"I literally just sat there and stared at the glass and smiled. I could see it, I imagined it, it was like I was there in the room with them. I could see Heather just looking through the glass and making faces at Lottie as she smiled and played in her bassinet! I just melted!"

"It’s so crazy to me, how the smallest things can make me so appreciative of my wife. It’s the little sacrifices my wife makes for this family, that would normally go unnoticed. From caring for our daughter 24/7, to caring for me, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the animals, and taking care of herself (yeah right, there’s no time for that.)"

"It just makes me stop and think."

His post has been viewed and liked tens of thousands of times since it was first uploaded, you can read it in full below...