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Woman's 2 minute noodle sandwich sparks a heated debate online

Woman's 2 minute noodle sandwich sparks a heated debate online

We're not sure about this one...
11 March 2020 8:19AM

What's better than carbs? Double carbs! Well, at least that's certainly the case for this woman!

A heated debate has broken out on Facebook after a woman posted a photo of her '2 minute noodle sandwich'.

"Noodle sandwich. Love it or hate it for 100% from me, yummy." she wrote.

Woman's 2 minute noodle sandwich sparks a heated debate online

The reactions to the controversial sammy came in thick and fast...

"Love a noodle sandwich, even better with cheese." praiesd one fan.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it lol best sandwich apart from a mushy pea one." added another.

But others weren't as sold on the idea...

"Definite no from me. I’ve eaten some weird stuff in the past though so no judgement." one person wrote.

"Ooh not had one for a while may have to go buy some noodles mouth is watering." added another.

What do you make of this carb heavy meal.