Making school lunches can be a bit of a mission, so any way to make it easier is always a plus!
This woman from Australia has shared her simple hack for making loads of ready to eat banana bread. Simply using a $2 giant ice-cube tray from Kmart, she adds the mixture into the tray and bakes until ready.
"Today I bought some ice-cube trays and baked up a batch of banana bites, using 6 ripe bananas. Yum." the woman wrote on Facebook.
The end result is a whole load of perfectly square pieces of banana bread set to be packed into school lunches.
"I put two teaspoons of mixture in each hole because I used self-raising flour to make room for them to rise." she added,
"The recipe asked for 50 minutes but using these trays it took only 15 minutes to cook."
The response online was hugely positive...
"I love this idea... Thank you very much I will be making my tot some!" one mum excitedly wrote.
This could be worth trying out if you're into meal prep!