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Woman questions if its gross for partners to share a toothbrush

Woman questions if its gross for partners to share a toothbrush

Gross or totally normal?
7 July 2022 5:29PM

Sharing a bathroom with your partner has its pros and cons, but this woman has been left a bit grossed out aftering seeing a couple on TV use the same toothbrush.

She took to the Mumsnet forum to see what other people thought...

"Just spent a productive afternoon discovering the delights of Real Housewives of Dallas and Stephanie's husband bought her a new toothbrush as part of an anniversary present to stop her from using his..." she wrote.

"Am I being unreasonable to think that sharing food debris, plaque and morning mouth grot with your beloved is beyond gross?"

The response to her question was fairly split...

"Assuming you wash your toothbrush after use? Is it any worse than kissing?" one person suggested.

"I've no issue with using eachother's toothbrush!" added someone else.

But others agreed that it was a bit gross...

"It's a bit icky. Would only do it in an emergency. I don't even share towels." said one person.

"No way would I use my husband's toothbrush and I would be horrified if I ever discovered he’d used mine. Yuck! For some reason I find it utterly revolting." passionately wrote another.

What do you make of this controversial bathroom habit?