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Baker gets little girl's birthday cake hilariously wrong

Baker gets little girl's birthday cake hilariously wrong

Poor little Liz does not look impressed!
30 August 2022 4:37PM

One mum planned her little daughter Liz a nice big birthday party. She had sorted a party location, gone out to get decorations, sent out invitations and thought of some fun party games.

In amongst all the chaos that comes with birthdays, the mum decided to outsource the task of the cake to the local baker.

But... there was a little bit of miscommunication and the cake that came back in return had a hilarious, glaring mistake scrawled on the top of it in bright red icing.

Baker gets little girl's birthday cake hilariously wrong

Writing on Facebook the mum shared: "“Liz’s nickname is Lizard,”

“I got her a cake... & asked the lady to write “Happy Birthday Lizard” I did not look at it. Don’t ask me why.” she said.

It turns out this was a big mistake as the baker had gone rogue with the icing.

“So here’s my baby & her loser cake. It’s funny now but I was maddddd.”

The photo shows her adorable daughter, Liz, looking glum as she stares down at the ‘loser’ cake, with her arms firmly by her side.