Did you know the way children are parented in their early years of life has a huge impact on their future behavior.
90% of brain development happens by the age of five – before most children even start school.
With new children starting school every year, teachers get to experience how different types of parenting affect children’s behavior.
Helicopter Parenting:
Helicopter parents pay extremely close attention to their child’s experiences and problems, often as a way to protect them. This type of parenting can be a positive thing for any children especially if the child has a good relationship with their parent and the parent has a good relationship with the teacher.
However, if either of those relationships is broken, things quickly take a turn for the worse. If a child can see that their parent and the teacher don't get along then this can reflect on their relationship with their teacher.
Authoritarian parenting:
Authoritarian parents are strict and stern. Their focus is on unquestioning obedience, discipline, and control enforced through rules and punishment. If parents are too snappy, too strict then what happens is it triggers children’s fight, flight, or freeze response while being in school.
Permissive parenting:
Permissive parents rarely give or enforce rules and overindulge their children to avoid conflict. When children have no structure at home, things can go one of two ways at school.
Children with permissive parents will either thrive, because at school they have the structure and boundaries they’ve been missing, or they will defy the teachers.
Pushy parenting:
Pushy parents try to live vicariously through their children and push their attitudes and ambitions onto their children.
Pushy parenting has a similar impact to helicopter parenting when the relationship between the parent and child is fractured.
In both cases, they’re pushing for something and not taking in the child’s preferences and opinions and this can lead to withdrawn children.