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Dad shares the 5 things he does for his wife he wishes he started doing sooner

Dad shares the 5 things he does for his wife he wishes he started doing sooner

She is one lucky wife and mother!
23 September 2022 2:12PM

A dad's list of the 5 things he'd tell his younger self about being a father has gone viral online.

The dad opened up in an honest and lengthy post on his Facebook page. 

"I'm now 29 and have 3 kids with my wife... Here's what I would tell my childless 24 year old self about how to be a supportive partner during the 'becoming parents' phase." his post began.

"1. Wifey carried baby IN her belly for 9 months. So you carry baby ON your belly for 9 months every chance you get."

"2. Wifey is breastfeeding and - while beautiful and fulfilling for her - it's exhausting. So you change EVERY diaper you can. When all your wife's friends are complaining about how absent and unsupportive their husbands are, your wife will be bragging about you."

"3. Make her the decaf coffee every morning. She was up all night feeding the baby so help start her day in a way that helps her reset."

"4. Tell her she is beautiful and help her see that in the moments when she is feeling most self critical and hopeless about her body. Help her see past her body image issues and stay focused on a positive goal, one day at a time."

"5. Take the heat. Hormones are crazy, both pre and post birth. Remember your job is to be her rock through all of this, so toughen up and keep perspective when her tongue is sharper than you know her best self intends."

Based on this post, he sounds like a very kind and loving man!