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Toddler's innocent song about 'Uranus' has his dad in absolute hysterics

You might find yourself singing along!
15 September 2022 4:14PM

If this video doesn't bring a smile to your face then nothing will!

This Aussie toddler is going viral online for the original song he came up which has sent his dad into hysterics.

The song is short, but certainly makes an impact. "The sun, the moon, Uranus!" the young boy sings over and over again as his dad finds it funnier and funnier.

While the song may seem innocent to the boy, his father is quick to point out that Uranus does sound similar to a certain human body part.

The response online has been huge - with millions of people viewing it and thousands commenting on the post...

"That’s just the best. Love it. Enjoying what kids can do is great. Best belly laugh ever." one person wrote.

"I really have not been able to stop singing this song all day. I’m thoroughly impressed." added another.

"His comedic timing is amazing. His hand gestures and accentuating the right word! So clever!" someone else praised.

Check out the viral video for yourself in the video above.