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Woman shows a genius way to peel potatoes faster

Woman shows a genius way to peel potatoes faster

Why have we never thought about this? Simply genius!
21 October 2022 10:18AM

One woman has showed a great kitchen hack that most of us never thought of.

She pokes a knife onto the potato and then uses a peeler to swiftly peel it - MINDBLOWN!

The two great things about peeling vegetables like carrots and potatoes this way are that it signigicantly reduces the risk to cut yourself and of course it's way faster than the normal way to peel it. 

Amazed by this 'game changer' hack, one viewer asked, "and where were you yesterday????'".

Viewers were mindblown by this and have been asking the same questions : Why did we never think about this?

"MY LIFE IS CHANGED," one user wrote.

"This one is genius," another wrote. 

"ok I am freaken done w/TikTok lol I’ve NEVER even thought of this" a third wrote.