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Aussie mum uses bug spray to protects her baby from three home intruders


An Australian mother is being labelled 'Wonderwoman' after protecting her family from home intruders using bug spray.

As reported by 7News, 21-year-old Tiffany Kendon was getting ready for bed earlier this month when three men armed with a baton, knife and taser entered her home.

“We had a gun pointed at us, and there was a lot of screaming,” Kendon said.

Kendon and her partner were in their bedroom on the phone to the police, when one of the intruders tried to enter the room. 

"He took one step towards my bedroom and I was just like, 'No ... I do not appreciate that, I've got two children in here and you need to get the f*ck out of my house'," she said.

In a split-second decision, Kendon grabbed a can of insect spray and aimed it at one of the intruders, who just so happened to be activating his taser at the same time. And boom - the insect spray became a flame thrower, lighting up the attacker in the process.

“The taser basically lit on fire and I lit one of the dudes on fire,” she said.

Kendon says the situation was traumatic, but luckily her and her family were left physically unharmed.

“My toddler slept through the entire thing and I have a newborn so yeah he was just chilling,” she said.

Police are currently investigating the incident. 

What an awesome mumma!