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Houseplants that owners with cats and dogs should avoid

Houseplants that owners with cats and dogs should avoid

Plant parents be careful of these plants if you've got dogs and cats at home.
8 December 2022 4:08PM

Once you're a plant parent, there's no going back. But if you're both a plant parent as well as a pet parent, then you might want to be extra cautious about the types of plants you're keeping at your home. 

Southern Cross Pet Insurance's spokesperson has shared eight houseplants that are dangerous for our four-legged friends with "Christmas Lillies" being the worst. 

Which houseplants are unsafe for cats and dogs?

  1. Christmas lilies (extremely bad)
  2. Poinsettia
  3. Mistletoe
  4. Holly
  5. Daffodils  (especially the bulbs)
  6. Tomato Plant (green fruit, stems and leaves)
  7. Onions
  8. Garlic

If you've got any of the plants mentioned above, either removing them or putting them out of reach from your pets will help protect them from getting plant poisoning. 

Christmas trees can also be a dangerous plant for cats to be around. One of Lana's cats had a bit of a CATastrophe, leading Lana to perform some emergency CPR!
Check out the video here: 

"Christmas lilies in particular are fatal for cats. Even if you remove the stamen - the petals, water and pollen can cause death due to acute kidney failure" Kerri Murray, former veterinary nurse and Sales Manager for Southern Cross Pet Insurance said. 

As Christmas is just around the corner, there will be more house gatherings. 

Kerri highly recommends removing Christmas Lillies completely if you're having cats over at your place or expecting cat visitors with guests or even cats from your neighbourhood. 

How to know if your cat has been near Christmas Lillies?

"If you are concerned your cat may have been near Christmas lilies, watch out for lethargy and depression. They may vomit and their drinking habits may change," Kerri said. 

"If you know your cat has been in a location with Christmas lilies, take them straight to the veterinarian".

Signs and Symptoms of Plant Poisoning:

  1. Excessive salivation.
  2. Racing or irregular pulse
  3. Vomiting
  4. Lethargy
  5. Rapid breathing
  6. Cold extremities
  7. Trembling
  8. Seizures
  9. Itchiness

Animal Poison Helpline on 0800 TOX PET (0800 869 738) for advice. They are available between 11 am – 7 pm every day. 

For more information click here.