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This mum has made a 'healthy' fairybread on TikTok and the substitute has commenters outraged

This mum has made a 'healthy' fairybread on TikTok and the substitute has commenters outraged

“I would absolutely riot if someone served me this at a party and called it fairy bread”.

The popular kid's party food fairy bread has been given a healthy makeover, and let's just say that some people are absolutely heartbroken by the change.

A ‘cook’ on TikTok has figured out the #1 way of giving your child trust issues by creating a ‘healthy’ version of everyone’s favourite primary school party food.

“My daughter wanted fairy bread and I said no,” says Fatima Homran at the start of the video.

“Hand me the bread, veggies and coconut.” 

Veggies? Coconut? There is no ‘fairy bread’ without the sugary goodness that is sprinkled on a glorious layer of whatever margarine your mum had sitting in the fridge.

I get what we're trying to achieve here but there are just some things that need to be left alone!

Homran squeezes the life out of some carrots and a poor unsuspecting cabbage, using their juices to dye coconut for the ‘sprinkles’.

The video has received 11 thousand comments at the time of writing, with one of my personal favourites saying “that's not fairy bread that's disappointed confetti butter with a side of toast.”

Another parent wrote: "Fairy bread is the staple of a kid's party, it's not often so let them have it. Every once and a while sugar will be okay!"

"I'll give you an A for being creative, but the OG fairy bread can't be beaten," a third stood firm against the healthy alternative.

A fourth joked: “I would absolutely riot if someone served me this at a party and called it fairy bread”.

If you came into this story thinking, oh yeah a healthier version probably isn’t the worst thing, please, for the well-being of your child, don’t serve them some coloured coconuts and call it a good time. It's a childhood memory that needs to be preserved and having a slice or two on your birthday is well-deserved!