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Study reveals sugary drinks could lead to going bald

Study reveals sugary drinks could lead to going bald

It might be time to ease up on the sodas?
16 January 2023 4:06PM

Science has made a revelation that is sure to shock the sweet tooths - energy drinks could be linked to hair loss. 

The discovery was made by a group of Chinese scientists who took 1028 guys aged between 19 - 51 and divided them by how many “sugar-sweetened beverages” they drink in a week and published the results in the Nutrients scientific journal. Heartbreakingly, they found that “high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with a higher risk of male pattern hair loss."

Those participants that admitted to losing hair said they drink an average of 12 sugary beverages a week, almost two a day. 

“Sugar-sweetened beverages” isn’t just energy drinks by the way. It also includes fizzy drinks, sports drinks, juice, sweet milk, and sweet tea/coffee.

So even if you've got a heavy pour when it comes to sugar in your tea, it could be leading you down the path! 

The number of sugary drinks you’re drinking daily may assist in your hair leaving you, but other factors have a much bigger say.
Genetics has the biggest impact.

Other factors include diet with the study participants who ate more fast food and less fruit and veges experiencing more hair loss. This is because hair follicle cells are at their strongest when provided with nutrients found in a solid diet. 

“Hair follicle cells are the second fastest dividing cells in the body and require all the nutrients of a well-balanced healthy diet,” Dermatologist Dr Sharon Wong told The Sun.

"This includes lean proteins, good carbohydrates and fats, vitamins and minerals, but there is no one superfood for hair. Nutritional deficiencies and crash diets are a common cause of hair thinning and shedding."