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Why you shouldn't make your bed first thing in the morning

Why you shouldn't make your bed first thing in the morning

Give yourself time to ‘breathe’ in the morning
1 February 2023 4:15PM

Most of us will be in the habit of making our bed first thing in the morning, after all, once it’s done it’s out of the way. 

But according to this high-profile house tidying expert, that could be causing some pretty negative outcomes. 

Posting to Instagram, Mrs D shared her tips as to why you shouldn’t make your best first thing in the morning, and instead let your sheets “breathe”. 

During the night we not only sweat but we also shed skin, and this is a magnet for dust mites & bed bugs.

Mrs D went on to say that when you make your bed first thing in the morning, you trap all the damp air in the sheets and end up helping dust mites and bed bugs breed 

Some people only let their bed breathe in the summer, and think that you don’t need to do this in the winter because of the cold weather. But this isn’t true 

In the post, she also shared a couple of tips to help mitigate any bed bug issues: 

- Air your bed for at least an hour every day.
- Wash your sheets once a week, using a high wash cycle and a laundry cleanser,
- Once a month deep clean your mattress by vacuuming it and then using a steam cleaner
- Wash your duvets and pillows every 6 months.

I know its nice to see your bedroom looking clean and fresh and of course we lead busy lives, which means its easy to make the bed before you go to work. But doing, this will help a lot. If you don’t have an hour in the morning leave it till you get home, and make the bed then..at least you know it’s had a good airing

So the next time the kids are procrastinating making their bed in the morning, maybe just leave it be for an hour or so?