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Family name their kids after favourite bands, Disney characters, and fictitious sporting stars

Family name their kids after favourite bands, Disney characters, and fictitious sporting stars

'We gave our daughter her name as a bit of a joke - but then it stuck'
7 March 2023 4:47PM

One family has given their children "fun and unique" names based on their favourite things, such as their Disney characters or their favourite boxers

Picking baby names can require you to get a bit creative, but this couple from the UK has outsourced to their favourite Disney characters, boxers and even a tribute to their grandma.

Parents Pippa and Luke Tinsley, 33, wanted their six kids to have unique and meaningful names to them, with Pippa saying she “loves how different all their names are”.

"I love all our kids' name(s) and I don't care what anyone thinks - they're fun and unique"

To start off, the character Michael Schofield from ‘Prison Break’, and ‘Good Charlotte’ frontman Joel Madden served as the inspiration for their oldest child’s name, Joel Schofield.

Since both parents love boxing, they decided to name their six-year-old ‘Hatton’, after the British boxer Ricky Hatton.

Carrying on the Boxing theme, they even named their youngest child Rocky-Tyson, after the iconic fictitious character portrayed by Sylvester Stallone, and the two-time heavyweight champion, Tyson Fury.

When it came to naming their daughters, Pippa had expressed her desire to name one after a Disney character. Although she had originally intended to name her daughter 'Belle', she had to change her plans after realizing that her father-in-law had a dog with the same name. Instead, they opted to name their four-year-old daughter 'Bambi'.

Following a cancer scare, Pipa decided to honour her Mum, Sara Houghton, by naming one of her children after her. Sara also helped come up with the unique spelling of 'Lileigh’ for 11-year-old Sara Lileigh, as well as coming up with the name 'Autumn' for Pippa’s 13-year-old daughter, Autumn-Kyla.

“There are so many common names out there, why not stand out a bit.”

"We're both obsessed with boxing, so we knew there were going to be boxing-inspired names in there.”

"I also knew I was going to have a Disney name for one of them and Bambi was on a list of ridiculous names, as a bit of a joke, but it just stuck.”

"I love how different all of their names and none of them are really outrageous. They're all really special and have a story behind them."