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Petty or justified? Employee locks milk in communal fridge

Petty or justified? Employee locks milk in communal fridge

The employee took things to the next level to protect his milk
2 June 2023 1:17PM

The communal fridge is a source of office conflicts across New Zealand. 

We had a little break during the work-from-home season, but now we’re back and someone has eaten that last slice of pizza I was so looking forward to!

It’s not a solo experience though, with one man measures into his own hands to protect his goods. 

He has taken quite a bold defence strategy to protect his milk (which is not supplied by the company) with…a padlock.

The image of the padlocked milk went viral on Reddit, igniting a debate on whether this act was ‘petty’ or an actual justified security measure.

Most people just seemed pretty surprised that the company itself hadn't provided communal milk: “Wouldn't it be simpler for the company to just buy milk for everyone?" 

"Seriously, the company should invest in communal milk”

People online seem to be singing with him though, saying it was "Absolutely justifiable" as one supporter said

So what do you think… is it just a little too petty?

With the price of groceries right now we might just have to have a little hunt online to see if we can snag one of these locks!