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We just found out how to say Decjuba correctly, and turns out I've been wrong this whole time

We just found out how to say Decjuba correctly, and turns out I've been wrong this whole time

Anyone else in the Deck-joo-bah club?!

Ah, the joys of the language, where some words are like tongue-twisting acrobats doing flips in our mouths. 

I mean, seriously, who thought ‘onomatopoeia’ was a good idea? And don't even get me started on ‘colonel’ or the notorious ‘worcestershire’.

But we’ll continue to leave those ones for another day. Today we're here to tackle a word that's been causing quite the confusion for Kiwi shoppers: Decjuba

Well, it appears the staff are ready to set the record straight, so they took to the ultimate source of all Gen-Z information, no not Google - TikTok! 

"Alright, let's settle this," they wrote alongside a video of a 'Dance Moms' inspired pyramid of mispronunciations. 

We're talking Day-cuba, Decahooba, Dekka-dooba, and the classic Deck-joo-bah.

But wait for it, drumroll, please! 

The correct way to say Decjuba is... DE-CUBA! 

Yep, it's as simple as that. 

Now, I can't help but cringe at all those times I confidently strolled into a Decjuba store, mispronouncing it like a true Deck-joo-bah fool.

It's a revelation that's equal parts enlightening and embarrassing. 

And can we take a moment to appreciate the cashiers who, patiently, didn't bat an eye at our mispronunciations? Bless their little hearts!

So, next time you're strutting your stuff into your local Decjuba store, remember it’s DE-CUBA. 

What does Decjuba mean anyway? Maybe that’s a story for another day…