The iconic mother-daughter duo is back and looking better than ever!
The show has released new looks for their upcoming reunion and the cast is still looking incredible after all these years.
A new anniversary special of Kath and Kim will be gracing our screens this later year called ‘Our Effluent Life: Kath and Kim’.
The special will be split into two parts and will premiere in Australia over two nights on Seven. The dates have not been revealed yet but it has been reported that it will be released "later this year".
Time has flown by since the show was first released twenty years ago.
Executive producer Rick Mckenna stated that it's been an honour to reunite them with their adoring fans.
“It’s fascinating and delightful to see audiences around the world still loving Kath & Kim after 20 years.”
“It was great fun getting the team back together, plenty of laughs all around, which we look forward to sharing very soon.”
Kath said that the mother duo is stoked to show fans what they have been up to for the last 2 decades.
Kath added: “Well I’m a Tag Hag so I will be serving you a 12-inch fly and a mango espadrille because they are back in fashion big time… just like us.”
The special is a sneak peek into their “most private nooks and crannies”.
“Twenty years… I look amazing. I don’t look my age,” Kim said.
“You got that right,” Kath said.
“So come on peoples, join us in the good room for what I think is going to be a terrific night of entertainment," Kath added.
Fingers crossed the anniversary special comes to Aotearoa sooner rather than later!