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A study has revealed the amount of money needed to be 'happy' living in NZ and it's so much
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A study has revealed the amount of money needed to be 'happy' living in NZ and it's so much

Apparently money can buy happiness.

Experts have revealed that happiness comes at a hefty price in Aotearoa. 

In 2018, researchers at Purdue University found that there is an amount of money that “boosts emotional well-being” ($60,000 - $75,000). Importantly, they said this amount differs depending on where you live. 

This year, S Money - an Australian foreign currency exchange company - took Purdue’s findings and adjusted them to the local cost of living in cities around the world. 

In New Zealand, a household needs $193,741 to reach peak happiness. Jeepers weepers.

Auckland is the most expensive NZ city to be happy in ($207,560) and Christchurch is the cheapest ($180,187). Wellingtonians need $207,030 to have a smile on their dial, while those in Hamilton need $181,782. 

These income levels are the point at which any increase in money made won’t lead to further happiness. So, @every-billionaire-ever: Give us regular people money since it’s literally proven it’s not doing you any good. 

Overall, NZ has the 7th highest price of happiness in the world. Iran is at #1 ($405,000), then it goes Yemen ($291,000), Australia ($205,000), Zimbabwe ($200,000), Norway ($199,000) and Switzerland ($195,000). 

A study has revealed the amount of money needed to be 'happy' living in NZ and it's so much Countries with the highest price of happiness (in $US). Credit: S-Money

Although you may think you are now doomed to a life of living on a quarter tank of happiness, most Kiwis are not close to reaching that peak happiness dollar amount and I’ve seen plenty of smiling strangers lately. 

I leave you with a quote from one of today's most influential songwriters, Taylor Alison Swift: 

“Happiness isn't a constant. You get fleeting glimpses. You have to fight for those moments, but they make it all worth it.”