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Kiwi siblings Ben and Brody impress with their new debut single 'Open up'

Kiwi siblings Ben and Brody impress with their new debut single 'Open up'

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13 April 2021 3:35PM

New Kiwi duo Ben and Brody have just released their debut single 'Open Up'. The pair are siblings and have already impressed many on the Kiwi music scene with their talents. Get to know them below.

Where do you call home?

Our home is where we write the majority of our music, whether it’s on the piano at our house or at school with our friends. Our home will always be anywhere that we create our music together in our own space and comfort.

What inspired Open Up?
Our song ‘Open Up’ was inspired by the concept of two people who are falling for each other but are somewhat shy, and they hold themselves back from something that could be really special. We just wanted to make a fun song that made people feel good and confident, because we think it’s so important to feel confident in yourself!

What’s our proudest musical moment?
So far our proudest musical moment has to be winning the 2020 Solo/Duo Smokefree Rockquest national competition. To this day we definitely pinch ourselves and find it hard to believe, but nevertheless we want to keep achieving and making more proud moments like that one.

What’s a Kiwi song you’re loving at the moment?
Brody - I’m a huge fan of ‘Muse’ by MCK at the moment, all of her music has a crazy sound and I’m really inspired by her lyrics and style!

Ben - There’s so much new Kiwi music coming out at the moment and I love it all, particularly the new Drax Project song ‘Over It’ is a favourite.

What’s one artist you would love to collab with?
Brody - Such a hard question! Somebody from New Zealand I would love to work with would be Drax Project, I love the catchiness of their music!

Ben - It’s always been a dream to work with Kiwi artists and bands like BENEE, Mitch James, and Six60.

Where can we find you on social media? 

You can find us on our socials!  
Instagram - @benandbrody