Hey guys, it's Jay-Jay & Flynny here. And we've got some audio our bosses don't want us to show you...
Sometimes when the mics go on and you're broadcasting live, unpredictable things happen!
And this is one bit our bosses did NOT like when it happened on air! So we haven't been able to replay it or highlight it on our show, but we love it so much we wanted to highlight it in our podcast. We loved this wild phone call, and if we could have them as the caller of the year, we totally would!
For context, months ago we did this topic about the last time you had the 'ouch feeling' or something like that. People called up, they shared their stories, we laughed, and we were done.
Or at least as we thought so...
This caller, a woman by the name of Ashley, called up about 10 minutes after we'd finished the topic. We had moved onto a competition and were instead taking callers for that.
Live on air, Ashley said she had no idea what the competition was about but had her own experience of something that gives you that "ouch feeling". She said something we never expected - and we had to cut her short before began saying something more inappropriate on air!
We always play this caller and it cracks us up! So we hope it makes you laugh too.
And Ashley, if we could replay your inappropriate ouch feeling on air - you'd totally be crowned the best call we've had this year.