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Adam can't get into The Breakfast Club - our new TV Commercial!
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club

Adam can't get into The Breakfast Club - our new TV Commercial!

Get the first look at our new TV commercial starring Lana, Gary & Adam!
9 September 2022 8:00AM

One cold morning outside The Breakfast Club, a chipper Adam Percival is stopped by security from entering the building.

Adam can't get into The Breakfast Club
Check out our new TV commercial!
00:00 / 00:30

"I don't see you on the list... Step to the side, fella."

As a dejected Adam waits in the queue, can his morning get any worse?

Perhaps so, when Gary steps out of a Hummer limo being chummy with security. Or when Lana, pulling up in her Toyota, doesn't even see Adam waiting, fuming and frustrated.

"Come on, man! I should be in there. I know Lana & Gary!"

Well Adam, we all know Lana and Gary. But will he get into The Breakfast Club?

Watch our fun new TV commercial in the video above, and see if you can spot a particular Speedy and Bondy lurking in the background as extras!