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The Breakfast Club try 'Diet Cokagne'
We have a taste test of Tom Hanks' viral drink 'Diet Cokagne'
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The Breakfast Club

We try Tom Hanks’ Diet Cokagne

The Breakfast Club just had to give the questionable cocktail a go
25 January 2023 12:00PM

You may or may not have seen the new viral ‘cocktail’ created by a lister, Tom Hanks. 

We’re not too sure if you can even call it a cocktail as such, all you really do is pour a little champagne into a glass of coke… think a questionable mimosa.

Speaking to the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Hanks revealed he created the cocktail at The Café Carlyle Jazz Restaurant in New York City when he was drinking some diet coke. 

I'm not a big drinker. I don't drink a lot. So I usually have a Diet Coke.

The servers were strolling around offering champagne to his family when he decided to try something new. 

Oh, give me a shot of champagne in there for crying out loud

And so the ‘Diet Cokagne’ was born! 

We were debating what the name of it should be. And I came up with it because it is Coke and its champagne, so it’s Diet Cokagne

Pretty simple, it’s just a rough third of diet coke or as Tom says "any Cola product", and then top it off with your champagne.

The Breakfast Club decided to give this a go and see how good it actually tasted. 

Now champagne might be a little bit out of our reach, so we opted for a bottle of bubbles left over from Lana’s wedding last year. 

Lana was our resident mixologist passing out a champagne flute to Adam, Gary, and the whole Breakfast Club team. 

The reactions were… mixed. Lana and Adam were on the positive side: 

Not bad

- Lana

I'd go again

- Adam

Whereas Gary’s advanced palate was not so easy to convince. 

No. It’s too sugary so it destroys the taste of champagne

- Gary

I mean it can’t hurt to try though! Once upon a time, people were probably shocked that people were adding orange juice to their prosecco.