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Paul's passionate chat about the NZ Police
"Now's not the time we want to lose our police force."
00:00 / 02:44
The Breakfast Club

“Why wouldn't you go?", The issue leading our police to jump ship to Aussie

Rising wage disparities and Australia's enticing offers prompt surge of New Zealand police migrating
10 August 2023 3:10PM

We’ve seen a growing trend of the New Zealand police force jumping over the ditch and making the move to Australia. 

It seems the allure of better financial prospects in Australia is having a strong pull that New Zealand just can't keep up with. 

"Unfortunately, you know, we've failed to match Aussie salaries for and conditions for our teachers and doctors, so why not our police as well?"
- Paul 

Paul gave his genuine thoughts, reflecting on when gun-related crimes were synonymous with the US, but New Zealand's growing gun violence has brought it home.
We have all seen the growth of crime our nation has been grappling with, from methamphetamine to ram raids.
Now is not the time when we would want be losing any of our police force just because we can’t supply a competitive wage.

“I think it's a much scarier place, I feel, to go out at night and even during the day than it's ever been before.”
- Paul

We’re feeling less safe even during the day. Escalating crime rates are sparking concerns about the country's law enforcement capability and public safety.

Australia's promise of higher wages and benefits is luring New Zealand police officers away from home. The starting wage for a first-year constable in Australia sits at $95,000, not including the relocation bonus and additional perks on top of that! 

“Why wouldn't you go?" The allure of these benefits could potentially lead to a wave of relocations.

While New Zealanders deeply value our police, teachers and doctors, these wage discrepancies still persist.

New Zealand faces a pivotal moment to ensure our police force remains strong and in the country. 

“I'm not angry at the police. I'm angry at the leaders. And that's not just the current ones, [...] for letting things get to a point where the people we rely on to keep us free from harm, would consider leaving because they're not paid enough”
- Paul 

The discussion got the text machine fired up, with people messaging in overwhelming agreement with Paul. 

One listener pointed out “All our 'essential' workers are not taken care of”, while another added that all the political parties need to hear this: “Please please please share the speech just given and copies of the audience feedback as an open letter to every political party in NZ.”. 

“Bravo! Totally agree. If possible on the radio I'd be giving a standing ovation.” 


Listen to the full discussion on The Breakfast Club below: