The fresh Prime Minister-elect, Christopher Luxon, took a break from moving into his new office and jumped in studio with Lana, Adam & Paul, who had one thing on their mind - putting the new leader to the test.
First off though Lana had to check in, saying it will have been a hectic couple of days since election night. Luxon expressed how the past few days had been pretty special, welcoming 23 new MPs to Parliament.
Catch up on our full chat with Christopher Luxonon The Breakfast Club podcast.
However, the highlight of the chat was undoubtedly the Pop Quiz. Lana, Adam & Paul decided to put Luxon to the test by giving him his own special edition of the classic More FM Pop Quiz.
10 questions, 60 seconds - and of course if you get stuck on a question, there’s always the option to pass and come back to it.
The stakes are high, and the pressure is real - but could Luxon nail our iconic quiz?
Check out the video below:
You’ve got the chance to play along too, and $1,000 is up for grabs!
Listen and play each weekday morning at 7:50 am with The Breakfast Club and again at 4:50 pm with Jay-Jay & Flynny.