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The Breakfast Club Explore the Haunted Halls of Larnach Castle
Lana, Adam & Paul take their scary sleepover to Larnech Castle with Hi-Chew.
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The Breakfast Club

Is Larnech Castle the most haunted place in New Zealand? The Breakfast Club spend the night

Lana, Adam & Paul take their scary sleepover to Larnech Castle with Hi-Chew
31 October 2023 12:00AM

Halloween is a time when the boundary between the living and the dead is believed to be at its thinnest, making it the perfect occasion for ghost hunters and thrill-seekers to embark on spooky adventures. 

Last year, The Breakfast Club dared to spend the night in Napiar prison, and this year, Lana, Adam & Paul upped the ante by taking their ghost-hunting equipment to the alleged most haunted spot in New Zealand: Larnach Castle in Dunedin. 

The Breakfast Club set up camp in the stables as the sun set on Larnach Castle, surrounded by ominous fog that wouldn't let up for their entire stay. Armed with an EMF detector, the team delved into the ghostly history of the castle, uncovering the tragic tales of the Larnach family.

Constructed in 1871 by William Larnach, a prominent merchant baron and politician, Larnach Castle is not only New Zealand's only castle but is also notorious for being a paranormal hotspot. The castle is a testament to Larnach's undying love for his first wife, Eliza Guise. It took over three years and more than 200 workers to build the castle's shell, and 12 more years were spent on the interior.

Tragedy struck the Larnach family multiple times, creating a haunting backdrop for the castle. Eliza, Larnach's first wife, passed away at the young age of 38, leaving six children behind. Larnach remarried Eliza's half-sister, Mary Alleyne, who also tragically died at 38. Larnach's third marriage to Constance de Bathe Brandon was marked by further sorrow when his favourite daughter, Kate, died in her 20s. After William Larnach took his own life in 1898, legal battles over his estate tore the family apart, leading to the sale of the castle in 1906.

Not willing to let fear get the better of them, Lana & Bondy, and Adam & Paul split into teams to explore the castle grounds. The dimly lit grounds and eerie silence heightened their senses, making every branch snap and gust of wind all the more unsettling. 

As the night went on, the team retreated to the stables, determined to brave the haunted hours until dawn. 

With Hi-Chew fueling their courage, The Breakfast Club managed to tough out their spine-chilling, scary sleepover. But it leaves the question… where will we spend the night next year…? 

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