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The Postman Pat fan theory that is ruining everyone's childhoods

The Postman Pat fan theory that is ruining everyone's childhoods

This fan theory has blindsided everyone who was once a Postman Pat fan.
7 June 2019 12:09PM

When we were innocent children, we were pretty blasé when it came to cartoons sneaking in little R rated innuendos. Most of the time we missed the joke completely, only to discover it years later when we can actually understand what is going on.

And now a new fan theory has made us realise something we never wanted to know about the Postman Pat.

While we knew him growing up as an innocent, loveable postman who had a cute black and white cat as his sidekick, it turns out that Postman Pat is not actually so innocent after all.

It turns out that Postman Pat may have been giving the town of Greendale more than just the mail...

Many believe that Postman Pat liked to get around and rolled around town offering an intimate service above and beyond that of the Royal Mail, complete with some rather dominant genes.

Fans noticed this after seeing that Postman Pat, who was extremely popular amongst the townsfolk, was the only adult male on the show with red hair. Futhermore, he just so happens to bear a strong resemblance to every single child in the local school.

Fans are certain Pat has populated the entire town of Greendale with teeny-tiny red-headed, long-nosed mail enthusiasts unbeknownst to the oblivious husbands among them.

Honestly, we never would have though this of 'innocent', friendly Postman Pat.