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Cheese and Onions Hot Cross Buns are here

A new savoury Hot Cross Bun has arrived in NZ just in time for Easter

If you think you're not into savoury HCBs, you might want to think again.
25 March 2024 12:37PM

Easter is always a time for the traditional, but these days, hot cross buns are anything but that. 

Gone are the days of just the standard fruit flavour - In recent years, our taste buds have been treated to all sorts, from  chocolate, to  peanut butter and more recently, even Biscoff Hot Cross Buns.

Now, a small bakery in Taranaki calledYarrows is changing the game again by giving us a savoury option with their  cheese and onion flavour. 

While it might sound like a flavour combo that's more at home in a scone, the savoury hot cross bun has already proved to be a hit, with them now being stocked in  Fresh Choice supermarkets around the county.

If you're anywhere near the 'Naki, you might like to plan a trip to to Yarrows to check out the  bakers in ‘the Bread Capital of the World’ - also known as Manaia - and  get your hands on their delicious treats. 

Along with their local offering, Yarrows actually supply the bread and cookies to all 260 Subway restaurants in NZ (as well as some overseas), so you know they're pros.

If you're still not sold on a savoury HCB, never fear. Yarrows has divine-sounding sweet versions too. 

From raspberry and white chocolate to apple and chocolate-cinnamon, even sticky date salted caramel and chocolate mud cake. This could quite possibly be the best selection in NZ, but there's only one way to find out.