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'Mad Butcher' Sir Peter Leitch has Warriors memorabilia stolen again

'Mad Butcher' Sir Peter Leitch has NZ Warriors memorabilia stolen again

"What is the world coming to?"
17 May 2023 11:13AM

Rugby League's #1 Warriors fan, Sir Peter Leitch, has had his beloved memorabilia stolen again - the second time to occur within the past year.

The 'Mad Butcher' posted to his social media pages that his NZ Warriors flag was stolen in front of his Waiheke Island home overnight, showing a photo of his empty flag pole that is on his deck.

"Unbelievable," he captioned the post. "Some lowlife has stolen my beloved Warriors flag. What is the world coming to?"

Many of his Facebook followers agreed, calling it "disrespectful" and "disgusting", though some of his followers joked that based on the Warriors' success this year, "last year they wouldn't of touched it..."

The flag has been proudly featured in many of the Mad Butcher's Instagram posts, last posted three days ago when the Warriors won 24-12 over the Canterbury Bulldogs.

Sir Peter has always been a vocal and passionate supporter of the Warriors since the rugby league team started in 1995. He has been dubbed the team's 19th member and had previously donated some of his own vintage collection of NZ Warrior jerseys to their club base at Mt Smart Stadium, only for them to be stolen in a smash-and-grab last year October.

At the time, Sir Peter posted on social media that he was “shattered” that 14 jerseys of the collection were stolen, and asked his followers: “If you hear of anyone trying to flog some warrior jerseys off please contact me these jerseys are irreplaceable.”

No word was ever given as to whether or not the jerseys were returned.